Bill Waddell has a unique background for customizing ScheduleAnyware for Fire and EMS organizations - he is an active member of both. Bill serves as a paramedic and Director for the Orange EMS and Rescue and is a Captain in the Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Department. Matched with his expertise in information technology, these hands-on experiences make Bill an invaluable resource for setting up an online resource management system for fire, rescue, and public safety departments.
Click on Bill's photo above to learn more about his professional qualifications.
Phil Fields has a diverse background in marketing administration, training, and customer support. Bill Waddell and Phil Fields worked together for ten years in an environmental laboratory. Since combining forces in 1999, Phil has created over a dozen web sites, conducted training in software programs, and provided customer support for WSD clients. Phil can work with your staff to insure a smooth transition from a paper based system to an online presence.
Click on Phil's photo to learn more about his professional qualifications.